Intermedia artist

Kindred 2.0


Interactive installation and VR app.


An immersive interactive experience inviting the audience to disclose the hidden, augmented digital extensions of the human bodies through new media technologies. Revolving around the idea of tangibility in human connections, the aim is to unveil a bigger connection while representing the duality between the real world and the virtual realm.


10-15 August 2021 @ Electric Castle music and new media festival in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.


Leap Motion based interaction which controls LEDs and sound effects.


Adrian Crăciunoiu, Cristina Pop-Tiron, Adelina-Laura Bulibașa, Andra Purdea, Andrei Boar, Anna Decheng Zhu, Andrei Panghe, Örs Tamas Rezi, Maria Scînteianu, Florin Marc.