Intermedia Artist



Interactive installation.


A simplified story about how the human actions influence the medium that we are part of. The particles that interactively compose and decompose are controlled by the public’s movement that brings the installation to life because of the active presence of the human component. The public is therefore introduced in a digital art universe that has a meaningful message.

From a multitude of spherical structures that flow through the Universe, only one sustains the complexity of life under vegetal, animal and human form. Over billions of years, the planet Earth suffered a series of modifications that brought it to the actual phase. In the last decades, from the technological perspective, the human actions are the ones that had the most impact on our planet, destabilizing its natural balance almost irreversibly.

We do not have a Plan[et] B.


1 November 2020 @ Centrul de Interes in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.


Microsoft Kinect v1 based interaction which controls live graphics and sound.


Klaus Obermaier, Adrian Crăciunoiu, Rezi Örs Tamás, Adela Drița, Cosmina Prundurel, Anamaria Geger, Maria Scînteianu, Amanda Maier, Iria Cruz.